Questions & Answers
Enhanced quality of life. Gentler environmental footprint. Reduced demand for city services and infrastructure. Reenergization of downtown. Better work-life balance. Economic opportunities. Redevelopment of previously developed sites. All of these things are components of intelligent growth--all readily available in San Marcos. Please click on some of the topics below to learn more.
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to some of the most frequent questions we've been asked about the project.
Change is Uncomfortable
Why is welcoming the unfamiliar so hard for us?
They're not from here--how could they understand us?
At one time or another, in one generation or another, we all were "from somewhere else."
Student Housing
What's to prevent Lindsey Hill from turning into student housing?
Environmental Stewardship
Environmentalism is more than a slogan.
The New Kid in School
It's not easy being "the new kid in school" (and it can get lonely at the lunch table).
Why aren't there traffic jams everywhere all the time?
What's all the fuss about "walkability?"
Walkability is a key indicator of the health and vitality of modern cities.
Housing Availability
What about the rest of us?